Eraser is a secure data removal tool, which allows you to remove
sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it with carefully
selected patterns.
The program is free software, which means that everyone has access to the source code, the freedom to study it, make modifications, and even distribute modified versions of their own. This freedom has made Eraser one of the most trustworthy and popular security tools for Windows.
As I said in my announcement in November, I have moved on to other projects and version 5.3 is the last release of the program I will make. Thanks to the GNU General Public License, other developers will be able to continue the work without me.
The program is free software, which means that everyone has access to the source code, the freedom to study it, make modifications, and even distribute modified versions of their own. This freedom has made Eraser one of the most trustworthy and popular security tools for Windows.
As I said in my announcement in November, I have moved on to other projects and version 5.3 is the last release of the program I will make. Thanks to the GNU General Public License, other developers will be able to continue the work without me.
New maintainer

Documentation and support
I no longer provide technical support for Eraser. If you have a question
not answered in the help file or the Frequently Asked
Questions, please post a message on
the support forum.